Clydesdale Group, LLC



Company Owner-

“I first had the opportunity to see Chris' leadership abilities applied in a business setting and I was always impressed with his approach. Knowing he is an avid student of Leadership Development, I was interested to see how those attributes translated into coaching. Now having worked with Chris as a coaching client, it's clear to me that Chris has effectively applied his knowledge and experience to his coaching practice.  Chris coaches in a way that inspires the client to find the answers, which results in a sustained improvement of skills. He is respectful but honest; he'll tell you what he sees even if it's painful. I've found value in every session with Chris; other members of our team whom he is coaching have told me the same. I recommend Chris for any leader looking to further their professional development or improve their ability to influence and lead others.”

Experienced Manager-

“I often find myself taking a step back and refocusing before responding too quickly and I tend to think things through trying to take into consideration the bigger picture.”

Experienced Manager-

“Coach Chris takes you on a journey of discovery and aligning values to help you achieve what is truly important in life to you. As you work with Chris he knows just how hard to push you to get you out of your comfort zone and start you on a path of clarity. The more you put into it the more you will get out of it. Chris also sends you thought provoking articles; one that I enjoyed was the difference between agreement and setting expectations. For years I thought as a leader my job was to set expectations with my team…after reading the article and talking with Chris I had a paradigm shift.” 

Nonprofit ExEcutive Director-

“I began coaching with Chris shortly after taking on a new role as executive director at a trail building and advocacy non-profit. My involvement in the organization began as a volunteer, evolved to being a project based seasonal employee, and has turned into this leadership role. While I have a strong proficiency in the technical aspects of the work we do, the managerial and leadership duties of an Executive Director role are a whole new set of challenges. Chris had proved integral in my success and effectiveness in this new role. Managing the litany of personal relationships that are part of managing a public facing non-profit has been the most difficult part of this new role. Interacting with employees, board of directors, project partners, public agencies, our constituents and many others is basically what this role entails. Chris has uncanny ability to help in stepping back from the day to day toil to get an objective perspective. His style lends itself to self discovery, he is not one to give a road map but provides the insight and asks the right questions to help me plot my own and look ahead at being an effective leader.”

New manager-

“My coaching with Chris was one of my best and interesting experiences in my professional carrier.  I honestly can say that Chris has helped me tremendously in becoming a better leader for my team.  He has helped me gain confidence in myself as a leader and helped me overcome fears.  Chris is a great coach and uses different techniques that helped me grow as a leader.  At the beginning of our coaching sessions we came up with personal and business goals and by the end of our term, we went back through them and evidently confirmed that we accomplished all of our goals!  I couldn’t have done this without his help.  Even my manager noticed the difference.  The best thing of all he provides you with tools that you can continue using even after the sessions have ended and he also makes himself available for anything afterward.  A huge THANK YOU to Chris, you are one of a kind.”


“Chris helped me break down my personal barriers to expanding my business. He helped me break it down in manageable bits and also made me realize that my fear was the only thing that kept me from pulling the trigger! End result...I have exponentially grown my business in the first half of 2019 [more than] over the last 5 years! I cannot thank him enough for my renewed confidence!”

Experienced Manager-

“Having new, refreshing perspectives on myself has allowed me to filter out a lot quicker and move effectively and efficiently in a direction (not the right one, but the one that fits best for me!). With Chris, I am meeting my goals, assessing my career, and making changes in 6 months rather than 2 years.”

Transitional Manager [later promoted]-

“This coaching experience with Chris has made me understand that I need to own “it”. Walking with Chris through the process of ownership has allowed me to line up my values and make changes to my habits at work and at home. Looking at the Professional Wheel of Life, Chris was able to help me discover the parts of my life where I want to do better and make improvements. Once I recognized my values, they became a guide to my decision making and I now have better structure.”