Clydesdale Group, LLC

Boss 101

Boss 101: Building Leaders from Within

Is your organization a small-to-medium, fast-growing business?
Are you bringing on new managers fast?
Do you need to train them in the craft of leadership?

Then Boss 101 is for you… and for them


Simple proven steps towards leadership skills

Imagine a first-time manager who’s unsure about management - who has no idea of the first principles. Maybe someone who thinks it’s about getting-stuff-done through force of personality and consequences of reward or punishment.

Imagine this individual works harder than before – too hard. They become stressed and develop an unhealthy work-life balance. This individual was me – until I discovered Leadership Coaching – but it doesn’t need to be the same for your managers.

Isn’t it time to tap into the wisdom and body-of-knowledge of those who came before? I’ll take your managers through the simple, proven steps to becoming an effective leader and leading a balanced life.

“Beginning managers often fail in their new role, at least initially, because they come to it with myths or misconceptions about what it means to be a boss.  These myths, because they are simplistic and incomplete, lead new managers to neglect key leadership responsibilities.” - Linda A. Hill (From: For New Managers - HBR’s 10 Must reads)

Boss 101 - the benefits

Your first-time managers will improve their management with new yet proven strategies, tools, and methods.

  • They’ll quickly learn to optimize the performance and productivity of their team while also improving their communication skills and enhancing their work/life balance

  • They’ll enjoy a confidence boost and enhanced well-being – the twin cornerstones of performance development that lasts

  • Your middle and senior leaders will have more time to focus on their key tasks

  • Your freshly-trained managers will walk away from BOSS 101 armed with the tools they need to shape their leadership identity

  • Through exposure to the Leadership Craft, they’ll be capable of driving their personal development

  • They’ll gain the confidence to involve others - colleagues, supervisors, mentors, family, and friends

  • They’ll be stimulated to sustain their continuous improvement by accessing the Leadership-Body-of-Knowledge - books, articles, blogs, podcasts, etc.

  • They’ll learn to appreciate the value of a balanced life

Boss 101 -How it Works

Boss 101 starts with  ‘discovery’.
This vital first step enables me to customize the program for you and your managers.
I “get in the boots” of your people – working with you to co-create a program that fits the needs of your organization and its people.

A core principle of Boss 101 is the 70-20-10 Rule:

  • 70% of learning comes from on-the-job experiences and challenges.

  • 20% of learning comes from other people.

  • 10% of learning comes from courses and formal training.

Insight + Practice = Sustained Improvement

We will frame-up and fill in the participant experience on three pillars:

  1. Me: “Am I right for this role?”

  2. My Team: “Getting work done through others”

  3. Everyone Else: “them” and “they”

Program content comes from my experience and the leadership-body -of-knowledge.

But - the lasting impact will come from within the group and from working in real-time with real managerial experiences and problems.  The program includes group and individual coaching to draw opportunities out and personalize the experience.

My approach to Leadership Coaching is based on simple, actionable, proven steps. Crucially, it’s backed by science (neuroscience, positive psychology, cognitive psychology, and performance science).

Sample topics

Everyone else:

  • Communication: Individual and Group

  • Relationship building up, down, sideways for the unit’s benefit

  • Time application and the Business Environment


  • WHY - Self as manager

  • Self-care and work-life rhythms

  • “Why is this so hard?”- The Paradoxes of Leadership

My Team:

  • Delegation: Expectations versus Agreements

  • Tough Conversations

  • Feedback - it’s not a bad thing

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