Clydesdale Group, LLC

Accelerate Your Journey

Coaching for PQ Coaches

Accelerate your journey as a PQ Coach.  Serve others more powerfully by serving yourself first.

Are you setting out on the PQ Coaching journey?
Perhaps you've recently enrolled and want to make sure you stay on track?
Either way, you're a fan of the Positive Intelligence program and are determined to make the most of its enormous potential.

I'm Chris Baker, and you and I need to talk. I'm PQ Coach #41, and I'm here to support you throughout your Positive Intelligence journey.


There's so much about PQ Coaching that's great. I guess you've already discovered for yourself the enormous benefits of —

  • PQ Coaching PODs - learning in a group environment

  • The PQ Community app

  • The PQ Facebook groups

  • PQ Accelerators

  • The PQ Clubhouse  - check us out on PQ Coaches Collective

These are all great … but do you know what? Sometimes we just need some coaching. Right now, your clients are benefiting from PQ Coaching … but why not you? Why should you be missing out? Think about it for a moment –

  • Every coach should have a coach, and why not with a PQ foundation as an accelerator. Experiencing coaching has made me a better coach.

  • Enjoying the PQ journey for yourself can only be a positive experience.

  • Through your Sage, you'll learn more about the value of empathy, gratitude, curiosity, creativity, self-confidence, and calm, clear-headed, laser-focused action.

  • As PQ Coach #41, I'm well-placed to guide and support you from my position further along the PQ path.

Here's the deal:

  • You can enjoy the flexible terms – PQ Coaching when you want, as often as you want

  • Book your session through the website

  • Pay an hourly rate

  • Unlimited text and email correspondence (within reason)

  • I'll be honored to fulfill the role of Advocate, Trainer, Coach.

Interested? Let’s begin our work today, send me an email here.

My judge says

😡 Who are you to suppose that you can coach other coaches?

😡 Going through the program is a lot for most coaches, and this would be too much

😡 You're taking advantage of a vulnerable population of self-improvement junkies

😡 They're already paying for PQ. Why would they pay for more?

😡 Most coaches are getting support through their PODs, PQ Accelerator. Why do they need 1-2-1?

😡 If you really believe in serving others, why ask for payment?

😡 Jeez! Another idea that requires marketing and selling to an audience I'm not sure how to reach

My sage says

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🙂 I love one-on-one coaching, and that love translates to a love of others

🙂 I am that guy who reads everything twice, does all the homework, and wants to know what I don't know

🙂 Starting PQ Coaches Collective on Clubhouse and the work we do came from a place of service only. (A colleague once told me I have no guile, and I said to her, "right"!) The secondary fuzzy idea was some unforeseen addition to my practice - putting value into the world. The idea that every coach should have a coach, and why not with a PQ foundation as an accelerator. Experiencing coaching makes me a better coach.

🙂 I have already mentor-coached other coaches in training. It worked for both of us.

🙂 I've received positive feedback from my Clubhouse activity. People are now reaching out to me off-line.

So – that's what my Judge and my Sage say. Now - what about you? What do you say?